East Bay Private Yoga


Private Yoga Classes in your Home, Office, and Online

Private Yoga Classes Delivered

Private Yoga Classes Delivered


Busy schedules and crowded classes don’t need to prevent you from enjoying the many benefits of yoga.

East Bay Private Yoga makes it easy and delivers convenient private, personalized yoga classes to your home or office. No more commuting, parking, or feeling lost in a jam-packed studio class.

Practice at your own pace with a personal yoga trainer. Registered Yoga Teacher, Brad Kuntz, meets with you online or travels to your home or office, creates a safe space for you to practice, and brings professional yoga instruction directly to you.

We design a personalized yoga program specifically for you – taking into consideration your body type, fitness abilities, stress levels, and past or present injuries.

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Private Yoga


East Bay Private Yoga founder Brad Kuntz brings private yoga classes right to you in the comfort of your own home. Clients receive personalized yoga sessions every week according to their unique body type, needs, and experience level.

Private at-home yoga is perfect for busy parents, working professionals, retirees, and beginner practitioners.

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Private Yoga
Office Yoga

Office Yoga


Yoga is a powerful practice for increasing productivity and wellness in your company. 

We make it easy and bring a professional private yoga instructor to teach in your workplace. We create a welcoming and friendly environment accessible to all experience levels.

East Bay Private Yoga works with companies to develop a program based on their specific goals, schedule availability, and office layout.  Classes can be held in a conference room, lobby, lounge, break-room, hallway, courtyard, or any open space.

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Treat Yourself. You Deserve It


Brad Kuntz, Private Yoga Instructor


Brad began his yoga journey over 10 years ago.  He was working a high stress office job in Los Angeles, and his physical and mental health began to suffer.  His body was tight and he was constantly stressed.  He knew he couldn’t sustain this unhealthy lifestyle.

He started attending weekly yoga classes and experienced drastic improvements in his mind, body, and quality of life.  He found a way to flip a switch to relieve the stress, to give himself space to heal the body, and find true freedom within.

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Brad Kuntz, Private Yoga Instructor

Undreamed-Of Possibilities


When you go beyond the consciousness of this world, knowing that you are not the body or the mind, and yet aware as never before that you exist – that divine consciousness is what you are. You are That in which is rooted everything in the universe.

-Paramahansa Yogananda

Undreamed-Of Possibilities

Contact Us

Your well-being is our priority.  How can we serve you?  Drop us a line or give us a call.

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Oakland, Berkeley, Lafayette, & surrounding East Bay Area communities

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